Minimalist Approach to Using ChatGPT
I use ChatGPT as a swiss army knife: it is a search engine, a grammer checker, a dictionary, a translator, a pair programmer… So the efficiency of invoking and interacting with ChatGPT directly affects my productivity.
Therefore I wrote the Chie app, designed for minimalists and hackers like myself.
Minimal interface
In Chie the window can be reduced to a bare chat window, with only conversation history and an input box.

Steps of setup:
- Create an API credential, but deselect the option to create assistant.

- Create an assistant (by clicking the plus button in dashboard window, or via Menu: Assistants -> New Assistant), and choose “ChatService” for the “Service”.

- After creating the assistant, you can popup the assistant in a new window.

Access from tray icon
There is also a tray icon where you can invoke any assistant.

The tray icon can be turned off in settings if you don’t like it, and on macOS there is also an option to turn off the dock icon too.

To make things even more accessible, you can configure each assistant to show its own tray icon.

Keyboard shortcuts
The assistant windows can also have their own global keyboard shortcuts.

And inside the window there are also a rich set of keyboard shortcuts for common operations.